(back 10 generations to Germany)
Family motto: “Sibimet merces industria”
(“Industry is a recompense to itself”)
(Click on first name for Vitals; spousal surname for associated family)
Joseph Miller, Sr.* (c.1725- )
Mary Sharp (1722- )
(Joseph) “Yost” Miller (1748-1811)
Anna Marie Catharina Long/Lang (1748-1829)
Joseph A. Miller (1781/4-1860)
Mary Anna Shaffer (1782-1854)
Noah J(oseph?) Miller (1826-1881)
Elizabeth C. Zimmerman (1828-1895)
Dibert A. Miller (1855-1889)
Susan Bowman (1857-1909)
Howard Pearson Miller (1885-1969)
Sarah Jane Baer (1891-1972)
Richard Orville Miller (1920-2015)
Hilda Elizabeth Krause (1921-1997)
Susan Kay Miller (1949- )
Larry Edsel Pearce (1948- _
Annie Rebecca Pearce Matthew Carter Pearce
(1971- ) (1973- )
*This Lutheran family originally settled in eastern PA before coming to northern Somerset County, not to be confused with our Johannes Michael Millers or Christian Miller family, all of whom also lived down East when first arriving in America before coming to southern Somerset County. Some were Amish while others were Reformed and Dunkard (“New Baptists”). Other Muellers were part of our earlier Amish-Mennonite heritage beginning in Switzerland and Germany (see Mishler).
Sir John Bernard Burke. The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. London: Habeison & Sons, 1884
Various Public Member Family Trees, U. S. Federal Censuses, & other documents. Ancestry.com
see “Miller Family” on Main Menu
Last revised: 12/30/16
I’m doing my family tree and I’m stuck. I know the majority of my family is from Somerset and Huntingdon Counties. I’m stuck at my Great,Great,Great Grandfather. His name is Joseph Miller and he was born abt 1835. His wife’s name is Catherine and she was born abt 1835. Their son James H. Miller was born in Sept 1864 in Huntingdon County and died in 1952 in Boswell, Somerset County. Any help would be great. Thank You. Joseph Shingler Miller
Hi Joe,
As you know, Miller is probably the most common name in Somerset County, with there being several Josephs. Coming through Huntingdon, your Joseph may have been English, while ours are German through Berks County. We have both flavors in the Boswell area cemeteries. BTW, I was surprised to see all the Shinglers in the county. I wasn’t familiar with that name. I’ll keep my eyes open for your Joseph, but all I can suggest is to keep searching online and read all the Miller sources closely. Good luck,
Excuse me, but I would love to have a conversation. I believe I am his son that he put up for adoption. I want to know my blood relatives. Please write if I could be correct. I know there are a lot of Millers but I know it’s him; I look so much like him. When I came across his picture I was amazed.
Hi Ricky,
Our readers will need to know which Miller you’re referring to. Hope we can help. Please respond!
Could your Catherine actually be the sister of Joseph Miller. I have traced a Thos. Miller and a Catherine Miller and A Joseph Miller to Pittsburgh Pa.
Thos was traveling with a Margaretha and I assume that she is his wife because of the ages.
I am trying unsuccessfully trying to tie my Joseph Miller into this group with
no such luck.
I also did come across a Joseph S. Miller that was in PA at one time then moved to the state of Washington. My Joseph Miller was married to an Anna Yunker but time after time I keep running into everything but the one I am researching.
First, as far as my wife’s family, there have been many Joseph Millers in Somerset County and others earlier back East. Middle names and/or initials generally weren’t used until the 19th century. You haven’t indicated any dates. Most of the information on our Miller line is from a book published for a 1910 reunion and says that there were at least three generations of Josephs, none of whom lived in Pittsburgh or Washington. Once we get some dates we can look at the Miller Vitals and proceed. Thanks for your interest, and I hope our readers can be of more help.
Hi there! Joseph? I thought that I was the only person in the world left with that name. I was named after my Grandfather who died in 1967. I`m sure that your Millers and I are related somehow because my family lived in Somerset County for sometime. (My father was born in Boswell.) Some of the information you’re looking for is Joseph SHINDLER Miller, born about 1836 and died about 1889, married to Catherine Kline, born March 21 1835 and died Oct 9 1919. Joe
Hi, Joe. You’re definitely on my “Shingler” list. Wonder where that name came from. Unfortunately, I haven’t tried to post every descendant of our Joseph “Yost” Miller, but I know that such a list is available through the PA History and Genealogical Center here in Somerset. I’ll keep my eyes open for that unusual name. BTW, We live near Boswell and there are many Millers around.
You mentioned a Joseph Shindler Miller. He is my great-great grandfather, and his son Nicholas is my direct line. His son Frank had a son William E. Miller, Sr, who is my father. If you have any information on this line of Millers would be greatly appreciated. I have some info on him, like his father is John Miller and his mom is Margaret Shingler. This is where I get stuck. I was hoping to have some information on the Miller line before my father passed away in 2014.
I’m posting your inquiry, hoping one of our readers can help. I have no additional information. Do you have general places and dates? Those are always helpful in genealogy.
My 3x great grandfather is John Miller (B: abt 1810, Huntingdon County, Pa, D: 19 Jun 1873, Williamsburg, Blair County, Pa), his wife was Margaret Shingler (B: abt 1811). John’s son Joseph Shingler and Katherine Kline had at least 8 children (Nicholas [My grandfather], Elizabeth, Peter, Katherine, George W., Rebecca, James, and Sarah. Please let me know if you need anymore info.
Got a little more info on Joseph and Katherine Miller, in 1866, they lived in Springfield Mines, near Williamsburg, Blair county. I got this information on the website “Find a Grave,” from my Great Grandfather Nicholas’ obit. He was born on September 26, 1866. This will give some insight as to where they lived during that time.
Hi Ron,
Thanks for all the information. Unfortunately, I can’t find a connection to our Joseph “Yost” Millers of Eastern PA & Somerset County. That doesn’t mean that I won’t keep looking, and here’s hoping one of our readers can help you. Keep up the good work! Regards,
Hi Joseph,
Your GGG Grandfather might be my GG Grandfather. Do you know if your Joseph had a son Nicholas? If so we are probably cousins and according to my brother this line came from Scotland via Ireland. If you live near Hollidaysburg, Pa, then you can go to the Blair County Genealogy Society. My brother donated a book that has this line of Millers. The only problem is connecting his father John to a Samuel (there could be another Miller in between, I haven’t looked at the book yet). Samuel Miller moved from Scotland to Ireland and married an Irish woman named Sara(h) McClain. All of this is from the top of my head so without seeing this book I can’t confirm this. My brother can’t remember it all either. But feel free to email me at anytime. I plan on being in Tyrone, PA around Thanksgiving, so I’ll be heading to Hollidaysburg to do research.
Sorry, I had forgotten that I had responded here. My Joseph was born about 1831. His Wife Anna Yunker was Born about 1832. I have unsuccessfully tried to tie him into a Miller family of a Thos. Miller born abt 1803 and Thos.’s wife Margaretha, who was born abt. 1806, who are both listed as only in Germany. (Thos. probably stood for
Thomas but I have never seen it written out all the way; in one case the Thos stood for Thompson Miller so I leave it as Thos.) I have came across records of Thos., Margaretha, and this Catherine Miller without Joseph. The only record I have is from a family Reunion invitation that had this Thos. Miller and Margaretha Miller as the Parents of My Joseph Miller. My Great Grandpa Peter Miller (married Barbara Dehn) and was Joseph’s son born about 1877. My Grandpa Norman Miller (married Frances Hart), born July 1904, was the son of Peter Miller. The only address I have that is a positive record for this family is Peter and Barbara Miller raising my grandpa in the 1800 block of Westmont Ave. Pittsburgh, PA. Before Westmont was absorbed by Pittsburgh it was known as John Street and was part of the Township of Carrick. Peter
Miller worked for the railroad company around that area .
All very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Perhaps a reader will respond with even more helpful information.
It’s kind of sketchy, Joseph was born between 1836 and 1843, and married a Katherine Cline (or it could be Catherine) around the Williamsburg area. My GG grandfather Nicholas was born 26 Sep 1866 in Williamsburg PA. This is the same Joseph Miller that the above Joseph Shindler Miller was looking for. We could be cousins!