Welcome . . .

[musical theme “Tree of Life”*]
[visual theme “Magnificent Trees” ]
(translation available – From which tree is your family?)

. . . to the descendants of our families who bravely crossed the Northern Appalachians into Somerset, Allegheny, and surrounding counties in Western Pennsylvania after surviving weeks at sea on their way from Europe. Oh, be sure that some began their American experience living for a time in the eastern portion of Penn’s Woods, and we refer to that often, but our mission as “Teller of the tales of the tribe” is primarily to share their stories of life on the early frontier farther west.

May we emphasize two things: First, this site is always UNDER CONSTRUCTION; and second, this is not a blog! What you see is researched and documented and presented in as scholarly a manner as possible. We like to think of this site as a repository of family trees and original narratives, a library for the spirits of our ancestors, archives for our descendants.

Two more things: we are always open for comments, corrections, and additions; and this site is highly interactive. We offer an alphabetical listing of surname links that will take you to family trees, which in turn are linked to other family trees, each of which offers a rich Table of Contents for your perusal. Download, save, print, and share whatever you like, but don’t forget to check back for new additions. Comments are always welcome and may be made under “Leave a Reply” at the bottom of each page or directly to me via e-mail: [email protected] . (Because of technical issues in early 2022, we have changed our contact address. Please use the above and delete anything referring to “AtlanticBB.” Sorry for any delay or inconvenience.)

Larry & Susan Miller Pearce

“Every Breath a Gift: A Memoir”
of & by
Larry Pearce
in installments this year in celebration of E-Gen.info’s 20th anniversary)

* Music by Mack Wilberg; words by David Varner

O Tree of Life!
When spring arises hear our voices singing –
Of blossoms promising the fruit we’re seeking –
New life in Thee we’re seeking –

O Tree of Life!
When summer nourishes our life emerging—
And fruit is born, abundant, bright, appearing—
Sweet fruit of life appearing!

O Tree of Life!
When autumn calls, Thine outstretched arms entreating—
Bid us come forth and feast on life descending—
The feast of life descending!

O Tree,
When winter comes to Thee, we bend in Thee,
Thou purest Tree! Resplendent Tree!
Here we rest, we rest in Thee!
O Tree of Life!

O Tree of Life!
Bearing fruit of purest white,
Of sweet, exquisite taste—
Sweet fruit that makes us whole!
In Thee made whole!
Thy feast all life restores!
The fruit of Thy pure love is our Life forever more!

c.2019 Oxford Press and KBYU-TV “Music & the Spoken Word,”
Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Orchestra, & Bells on Temple Square

Larry Pearce
last revised 5/8/22

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