part of the article
“John ‘Hannes’ & Magdalena Miller:
Our first positively known Miller family in America”
Gordon W. Miller
reposted with permission from Mennonite Family History*
January 2014
Other articles on this site about “Indian John” Miller:
Our Hannes “Indian John” Miller
Introduction: The Many Christian Millers
The Invasion of the Millers
Table of Contents: Hannes “Indian John” Miller
(To enlarge pages for easier reading, go to “VIEW” and enter “FULL SCREEN” or “ZOOM”/ To return go to “VIEW” and enter “ACTUAL SIZE”)
Page 8 (MFH 38)
* The quarterly genealogical journal Mennonite Family History
is available by subscription at:
Masthof Press
219 Mill Road
Morgantown, PA 19543
(610) 286-0258
E-mail: [email protected] (ask for 10% discount on 1st book purchase)
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Last revised 3/3/18