A Tribute to Mary Norris Bryce (1940)

A tribute from the Board of Managers of the Home for Aged People

The beautiful life of Mrs. Bryce came to its close on the evening of August 2, 1940. Mrs. Bryce, for many years, was a member of the Board of Directors of the United Presbyterian Women’s Association. She was a charter member of the Board of Managers of the Home for Aged People. On this Board she had been very active; was a member of the committee that selected the present location of the Home; served as chairman of various committees: Finance, Visiting, Receiving, and Interment.

In all things Mrs. Bryce was faithful and, more than that, see possessed rare ability. Nothing that was of benefit to the family in the Home escaped her keen interest. Real joy in service was hers, and the work in connection with the Home was very dear to her heart. Her personality and queenly bearing were impressive.

Mrs. Bryce labored longer than most, and when it became necessary for her to lay aside her assigned tasks, she was most helpful to the new member of the Board who undertook them. Through the years she had her hand in preparing a home and welcoming into it more than five-hundred residents. Now, for her, there has been a place prepared, a house not made with hands, to which she has received an abundant entrance.

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