Vitals: Lt. Henry & Mary Agnes “Nancy” Shaffer

Henry (1751-1834) b. Hanover, Lower Saxony (Niedersachen) Germany; r. Friedens,
Somerset Co., PA (probably son of Henry, Sr.*; farmer)
-military: Lt. in Revolutionary War, York Co. Militia, 1st & 5th Bat. under Col. Matthew Dill
-burial: Friedens Lutheran Cemetery, Somerset Co. (GPS 0.05050,-78.99571)

Lt. Henry Shaffer, Friedens Lutheran Cemetery

Lt. Henry Shaffer, Friedens Lutheran Cemetery

Mary Elizabeth/Agnes “Nancy” Weinrich (1756-1824) 
almost nothing known. has her born in Germany, but another source says that she was possibly a Native American, known as a “consort” rather than wife.
-burial: Friedens Lutheran Cemetery next to Henry (some report her as buried away from Henry possibly because she wasn’t Christian?) (GPS: same as above)

Religious affiliation: German Lutheran

Children: believed to be 8, exact dates unclear

1. Rebecca (1777- ) (m. Henry Heiple)
2. Mary Anna (1782-1851)
r. Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co. (m. Joseph A. Miller – our line)Burial: Boyt’s Cemetery, Somerset Co.
3. Henry, Jr. (1783/5-1862) (m. Margaret Umberger)
4. Simon Peter, Sr. (1787-1863) b. Somerset Co.; r. Jenner Twp., Somerset Co. (m Barbara Poorman)
5. Elizabeth (1789 – ) (m. Emanuel Smith)
6. Susannah (1792- ) (m. Peter Rock)
7. Valentine (1895-1855) (m. Christina Gardener)
8. David (d. bef. 1829) (m. Nancy _____)

*Grandfather was possibly Johann Simon Schaffer (1697-1774) of Fellbach, Rems-Murr-Kreis, Baden, Wurttermberg, Germany who sailed to Baltimore and settled in Frederick, MD


“Henry & Mary Shaffer.” 15 October 2018

“Lt. Henry Shaffer.” 21 Dec. 2015.

U.S. Census. Somerset Twp. 1800


Last revised: 10/15/18

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